Strengthen Our Union

One of the key pillars of my campaign is to Strengthen Our Union, which focuses on hiring more Stations employees across the board, reducing the stress CTA's face when pulled from their designated stations, and filling part-time or vacant booths with Station Agents to ensure commuters have consistent access to our services. This initiative is about improving working conditions, providing better service to the public, and reinforcing the strength of our union.

Why Expanding Our Union Matters

  • Hiring More Stations Employees: The demands on Stations employees have increased and we need to hire more workers to keep up with the needs of our system. By hiring additional employees, we reduce the strain on existing workers, ensuring that no one is overburdened or stretched too thin. This will improve working conditions and ensure that the MTA is fully staffed to meet the needs of New York City commuters.

  • Reducing Stress for CTA's: Currently, CTA's are often pulled from their designated stations to cover areas that are understaffed. This creates stress, disrupts routines, and can lead to frustration when they are forced to abandon their usual duties. By hiring more CTA's, we ensure that every station has the appropriate coverage, so no one is forced to leave their designated station to fill gaps elsewhere. This initiative will reduce stress for CTA's and allow them to focus on maintaining the cleanliness and safety of their assigned stations.

  • Filling Vacant Booths with Station Agents: Vacant or part-time booths create a disconnect between commuters and the services they rely on. By filling these booths with full-time Station Agents, we ensure that commuters have better access to support—whether for information, OMNY assistance or general safety. This move will improve the overall commuter experience while providing more employment opportunities for Station Agents.

The Economic Impact

  • Strengthening the Workforce for a Stronger Union: Hiring more employees across the board helps build a stronger, more unified workforce. When Stations employees are fully staffed, we can negotiate from a position of strength, ensuring that every worker’s voice is heard and respected. A larger workforce means more power at the bargaining table, ensuring better wages, benefits, and working conditions for all.

  • Providing Better Service to Commuters: By ensuring that Station Agents are present in all booths and that CTA's are consistently working in their designated stations, we provide better service to the public. Improved station cleanliness and better access to Station Agents will create a more positive commuting experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and improved public perception of the MTA.

Why This Matters Now

  • Relieving Overburdened Workers: Many Stations employees are feeling the strain of understaffing. This initiative is about relieving that burden, ensuring that every employee has the support they need to do their job effectively. Hiring more workers across the board will reduce stress and improve overall job satisfaction.

  • Creating More Opportunities for Union Members: Expanding the workforce means creating more jobs and opportunities for advancement within the union. By filling part-time or vacant booths and hiring more CTA's, we are creating new pathways for workers to join and grow within our union. This is not just about filling gaps—it’s about creating sustainable employment opportunities that will strengthen our union for the long term.

  • Supporting a Safer, Cleaner Transit System: Ensuring that stations are consistently cleaned and that Station Agents are available in every booth improves not only the commuter experience but also the safety and cleanliness of the entire transit system. Clean, well-staffed stations lead to a safer environment for both workers and commuters, reducing crime and improving the overall perception of the MTA.

empowering our Union

Expanding Our Union is about building a workforce that is fully supported, adequately staffed, and empowered to provide the best service possible. By hiring more Stations employees, reducing the stress on CTA's & filling vacant booths with Station Agents, we create a system that benefits both workers and commuters.

This initiative reflects a commitment to fairness, growth, and better working conditions for all Stations employees. Together, we can push for this much-needed expansion, ensuring that no worker is left behind and that our union is stronger than ever. Let’s stand together to build a more resilient workforce and create a future where every employee has the support they need to thrive.

this is why your vote matters

Since I’m running as an independent candidate and not part of a slate, your vote is crucial. I believe in choosing candidates based on their merits—not because they’re bundled into a group. When your ballot arrives on November 18th, don’t just check off a box to vote for a full slate. Take the time to select each candidate, one by one. Remember who has shared their vision and will advocate for your interests. If you support my vision and want me, Tuan A. Phoenix, to be your advocate, be sure to fill out that ballot and vote! If you’re having any trouble receiving your ballot and are in good standing with the Union, reach out to me at so we can ensure your voice is heard.


Donations to Tuan A. Phoenix are voluntary and used for campaigns, events & advocacy efforts. Contributions are not tax-deductible and must come from personal funds & cannot be provided by any employer or private entity. Thank you for your support!