The Battle For TWU Retiree Healthcare

United in solidarity

This fight isn’t just about coverage—it’s about dignity, justice, and honoring the sacrifices of those who built our union.

Earlier today, I joined a Zoom call with TWU100R, an organization representing retired transit workers, and about 60 active & retired union members. This wasn’t just a routine call—it was a powerful, charged discussion about how Mayor Eric Adams and the current leadership of TWU Local 100 are betraying our retirees by forcing them into Medicare Advantage. This isn’t merely a change in coverage—it’s an attack on everything our retirees have earned.

As far as I know, I was the only candidate for Vice President of Stations present on that call, and Evangeline Byars, running for President of TWU Local 100, was also there, standing strong and showing the leadership our union desperately needs. But where were the other candidates? Nowhere. Their absence in this crucial moment tells you everything you need to know about who’s fighting for you—and who’s not.

Understanding TWU100R

First, let’s clear up any confusion. TWU100R is not the same as TWU Local 100. TWU100R is an independent organization fighting exclusively for retirees’ rights, especially regarding healthcare and pensions. They’ve been battling on the front lines to stop the city from forcing retirees into the Medicare Advantage plan. This is important because TWU Local 100’s leadership has failed our retirees by backing this dangerous shift to privatized healthcare. TWU100R has been working tirelessly to protect retirees, and their work should not be confused with the failings of TWU Local 100’s leadership.

If this leadership is willing to sell out retirees, what’s stopping them from doing the same to current workers?
— Tuan A. Phoenix

TWU Local 100 Has Sold Us Out

The facts are clear—TWU Local 100 has betrayed its members. By endorsing the transition to Medicare Advantage, the union leadership has turned its back on the very retirees who built this union. The retirees who worked through 9/11, the HIV/AIDS crisis, anthrax events, and more are now being forced into a system where algorithms and AI bots—not doctors—are making critical healthcare decisions​. These decisions aren’t just delays—they’re denials, denials that hurt retirees when they need care the most.

Consider Sarah Shapiro’s story. Her father’s Medicare Advantage plan repeatedly denied treatments, even though his doctors recommended them. Why? Because AI-driven systems determined what was "necessary"—and increasing profits was the real goal. This isn’t healthcare; it’s corporate greed. And it’s happening because our union leadership allowed it.

What’s Really at Stake?

For those unfamiliar with the details, here’s the crux of the issue: Traditional Medicare allows retirees to see almost any doctor who accepts Medicare, providing access to comprehensive care without interference. Medicare Advantage is privatized, introducing strict networks and requiring pre-authorizations for treatments—meaning insurance companies get to decide if you deserve care​. Worse, these decisions often result in treatment denials, all to save money for insurance companies at the expense of retirees’ health.

What makes this so infuriating is that retirees like Sarah Shapiro’s father were promised quality healthcare—healthcare that they worked for, paid for, and counted on. American Bar Association reports show that courts have already ruled that pushing retirees into Medicare Advantage violates the agreements made with these workers​. Yet, Mayor Adams and TWU Local 100 continue to push forward with this plan, showing complete disregard for the court rulings and retirees’ well-being​.

This Election Matters So Much

This election is a turning point. It’s not just about who’s running TWU Local 100—it’s about the future of our union and every single one of its members. Retirees aren’t the only ones affected by this fight. If this leadership is willing to sell out retirees, what’s stopping them from doing the same to current workers?

That’s why I’m running as an independent candidate for Vice President of Stations. I’m not part of a slate—I’m here to fight for you, for the retirees, and for the future of TWU Local 100. Don’t just check a box for a slate of candidates. Instead, choose leaders who are willing to stand up, listen, and fight for you. Leaders like Evangeline Byars and myself will be in the trenches with you, and we’re committed to protecting your rights, your healthcare & your future.

Taking the Fight to Albany

This fight isn’t just happening in courtrooms; we’re taking it to the streets. We’re planning protests in Albany, demanding that Mayor Adams stop forcing retirees into Aetna’s Medicare Advantage plan. We’re calling on the city to withdraw its appeal in the Bentkowsky v. City of New York case and honor the promises made to retirees​.

This isn’t just a fight for healthcare—it’s a fight for dignity, for justice, and for the soul of this union. TWU100R, alongside other retiree organizations, has been steadfast in its resistance​. Now it’s time for us to join them and ensure that we don’t lose the benefits we’ve earned. We can’t afford to be passive. We must act, and we must act now.

What You Can Do?

This election may be our last chance to take back control of our union—to put leaders in place who will fight for every member, from the newest recruit to the most senior retiree. Vote wisely. Don’t let our benefits be sold off to the highest bidder. Don’t let the legacy of this union be tarnished by those who put profits before people.

I’m here. I’m ready. But I need your vote to make a real difference. Together, we can stop this betrayal and secure a future where every member—retired or active—gets the care, respect, and benefits they deserve.

Let’s make this election count. Let’s make sure TWU Local 100 lives up to its promises.

Since I’m running as an independent candidate and not part of a slate, your vote is crucial. I believe in choosing candidates based on their merits—not because they’re bundled into a group. When your ballot arrives on November 18th, don’t just check off a box to vote for a full slate. Take the time to select each candidate, one by one. Remember who has shared their vision and will advocate for your interests. If you support my vision and want me, Tuan A. Phoenix, to be your advocate, be sure to fill out that ballot and vote!

Tuan A. Phoenix

Husband, father, creative & advocate.

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